1Samuel 22:2
And everyone who was in distress, everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was discontented gathered to him. So he became captain over them. And there were about 400 men with him.
Misery loves company, doesn’t it? When David was on the run he escaped to the cave of Adullam. When his family heard of it they went down to him and so did everyone who was in distress, in debt and discontented.
When we are in distress, debt or discontent where do we run? Sometimes we run to our friends that are in the same boat. Misery does love company. How much better to run to the One who can comfort us with real comfort.
Where are you today. In distress? In debt? In discontent? When we are discontented with the way things are, we try to find contentment in things. When we find our comfort in things, it can lead to debt. We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have. When we are in debt, that can be distressing. What a vicious cycle! Look around you. Are you content with what you have? If not, why not? Do you feel God has abandoned you and left you penniless? Rest assured my friend, God is still on the throne and He still loves you.
Challenge: What is it that is making you discontented? Is this something you need or want? What are your options? First, go to the Lord and lay your burden at His feet. Be willing to accept His timing in providing for you. When we give our burden to the Lord and in faith believe that He will provide, what a freeing feeling this can be!
Assignment: Make a note of everything that you buy today - even down to a pack of gum.
When you get home take a look at the items you have purchased. What could you have done without? What items did you really need? Was there something else you could have done to provide these items? Example: Did you buy a bottle of water? Could you have filled a water bottle at home and taken it with you instead? Did you buy lunch? Could you have brought something from home to eat? Was there any impulse buying - a candy bar, a magazine? Did you need the calories of that candy bar? What will you do with the magazine once you are done with it? How much money could you have saved today if you had thought ahead? Tomorrow, think about each purchase in a different light - how much can you save by not buying the item. Do you really need it or just want it at that moment. See if it makes a difference in what you choose to do. Not all buying is bad. We just need to make the right choices and be good stewards of what God has given us.
Unless otherwise
noted, all Scripture verses are from the New King James Version of the Bible.