Sunday, April 12, 2020


Proverbs 3:9-10 Honor the LORD with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine.

What does it mean to honor God with our possessions? Do we take care of what we have? Do we waste what we are given?

There is a truth that says “if you work for something, you will take care of it.” Think of a teenager when he/she graduates from high school and their parents give them a car. Do you think they will take care of that car the same way that a teen would who worked and saved for many months to buy their own car? Maybe, maybe not. The teen who worked to buy their own car will most likely take good care of it as it would be hard to replace it if they don’t. The other teen may not even think about it – they may feel they will just get another one.

God gives us all that we have. Sometimes it’s a job to work and get a paycheck. Sometimes it’s an unexpected blessing that we didn’t have to work for. Do we treat both the same? Are we more protective and careful of the things we work hard for? Even though God has given us all things and He can give us plenty more, we should not be cavalier with what we have.

God gives to us according to our ability to handle what we are given. If we are not faithful with what we have, He will remove it from us. Do you have plenty? Then much is required. Do you have a little? You still need to be a good steward of it. God sees how we handle what we have been given. And He knows what we will do with future resources.

Are you struggling to pay bills – keep your head “above water”? How did you get to this place? Look back over the way you have handled money. Did you use it wisely? Or were you foolish – buying things that were unnecessary? Most of the time when we have fallen into a money pit, it is because we have caused it ourselves. There are exceptions – employer goes bankrupt, natural disaster destroys your home, etc. But, for most of us, we have caused our own troubles.

Do you truly want to get out of the hole you are in? Then start today! Every time you open your wallet, take a moment to think about what you are buying. Is it really necessary? Could you do with a less expensive version? Take a look at the bills you are paying each month. Do you need the high end cable package? Do you really watch all those channels? There are lots of options today to reduce that expense. Now, that is just one of the bills we pay each month. Take a look at each one and see if there is a less expensive alternative. Decide what are “needs” verses what are “wants”. There is no way our barn can be filled with plenty and our vats overflow if we are throwing money away on unnecessary wants.

Are you worried about what your family and friends will say if you drive a less expensive car, bring your lunch to work or have a “staycation” instead of an expensive vacation? If that is true, then you have identified the problem! It is pride that is causing you to go into debt and stay there.

When we stop pretending that we are something that we are not and use our resources to honor God, we will have a “rich” life. Not “rich” as in lots of money but rich in contentment and enjoying what we have. We all have a lot more than we think we do.

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture verses are from the New King James Version of the Bible.

Thursday, April 2, 2020


Haggai 2:8 ‘The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine,’ says the LORD of hosts.

Psalm 24:1 The earth is the LORD’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein.

Psalm 50:10-11 For every beast of the forest is Mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills. I know all the birds of the mountains, and the wild beasts of the field are Mine.

Why does it all belong to God? Because He made everything. And I mean every. single. thing. See Genesis chapter 1. God started with creating light (Genesis 1:3). Then He created the land and the bodies of water (Genesis 1:9). Next was vegetation (Genesis 1:11), then fish and sea creatures (Genesis 1:20-22). Next was all the animals (genesis 1:24-25). Lastly, God created man (Genesis 1:26) and woman from whom all peoples would come from.

And what did He do with all that He made? He gave it to the man and woman to take care of. They had dominion over everything. They lacked nothing. They were able to enjoy everything . . . except one tree (Genesis 2:16-17). What’s one tree? They had everything else. Why do we want the one thing we can’t have?

All we have to do is watch babies, toddlers and young children at play. The one toy they want, someone else is playing with. The one who has the toy, won’t give it up. The one who wants the toy, won’t give up trying to get it. Neither one is happy. The one who wants the toy is not content with the toys he has. The one who has the toy is not generous with what he has. And so, we have a stand off until mom or dad takes the toy and then no one has it.

How generous are you? You have heard the saying “he would give the shirt off his back.” The meaning behind this saying is that this person is so generous that he will give whatever he has and go without for himself. An example of that in the Bible is found in Mark 12:41-44. The widow gave what she had – it wasn’t much but it was ALL she had. If you have a million dollars and give away $10,000 – you would still have $990,000. But, if all you have is 2 cents and you give it all, leaving nothing for yourself, then who gave more? The one who gave 2 cents. She gave it all – leaving nothing for herself to live on. The one with a million dollars still has plenty left over – it was not a total sacrifice.

God gave you all that you have and He does not ask you to give it all away. But what are you doing with His resources? Do you give any of it to your church, missionaries, local food bank, etc.? If not, why not?

Bottom line: God doesn’t look at the amount you give – He looks at the heart that is giving it. Do you give willingly or grudgingly or not at all? It does make a difference and it matters to God.

2Corinthians 9:7 So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture verses are from the New King James Version of the Bible.