Tuesday, September 19, 2023


Trusting God.  It’s easy when nothing is going on in your life.  You’re just going about your business - no financial concerns, no health concerns, things are running smoothly.  Someone asks you about trusting God and you answer - “Of course I do.  Absolutely!  God is totally in control of my life.”  You might even have a hard time understanding why other people have a hard time trusting God.  God is faithful.  God is true.  God is loving.  God only wants the best for us.  How easy it is to trust God.

Then something happens.  You don’t know how it is all going to turn out.  All you have is God.  All of a sudden trusting becomes harder.  It would be easy to trust if you knew how it was all going to pan out.  But if you are stuck in a period of uncertainty - what then?

I had an opportunity to trust God in a very uncertain situation. A few years ago, I got some unsettling medical news.  I got scared.  Then I got on my knees.  I wanted to trust God with whatever He decided it should be.  But I wanted it to be nothing.  Nobody wants lupus.   Could I trust God to choose if I should have lupus or not?  Initially I couldn’t bring myself to even think that way.  Then, during the worship time in church, I suddenly felt a peace about it - a peace about totally trusting God no matter what He chooses for me.  Even if it means lupus, I could honestly say that I trust God.  I go for my final test in November, but it looks like I do not have lupus.  What do I have?  I have trust in God.  

If you are in a position where you need some help trusting God, I recommend Psalm 31.  (Note - read the whole Psalm) Trusting God isn’t hard in the easy times and it isn’t easy in the hard times but it is a choice we have to make.  Either we trust God or we don’t.  There is a verse in the middle of the Bible - Psalm 118:8 and it says “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man”.  Amen!

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