Monday, October 2, 2023


You want me to do . . . what?

Oh no, not again.  Please Lord, I really don’t want to do it!  Have you been in one of those situations lately where you had to do something that you just didn’t want to do?  That’s exactly where I was one day at my job (before I retired).  I had just received another subpoena at work, and I was required to testify at a trial. The thought of it made me feel weak, it upset my stomach and I was a nervous wreck.  So, I fretted about it and whined about it and had a bad attitude about it.  Did any of that help the situation?  Of course not.

1 Peter 4:12 says:  “Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you;” 

Hmmmm.  Maybe this trial was to “try” me – to refine me – to grow me.  Here I was, kicking and screaming and carrying on like a mad woman instead of realizing that maybe God was doing something.

So, I prayed and I asked friends for prayer.  I wanted peace (and I couldn’t find it) and so I sought out one of our pastors on a Sunday morning, and he prayed with me for peace.  Later that same day, I got the peace that I was looking for.  It felt soooooo good!  The next day I was able to go to work with a smile on my face and peace in my heart.  Whatever happens, happens.  I could do it because I had Jesus.  God would either get me through it or get me out of it – either way was fine with me.  Later that day I found out that the parties had settled their case and the trial was canceled – I would not have to testify!  Do you think that maybe God held off on having this case settle until I learned the lesson He was trying to teach me?  Or do you think it was just a coincidence?  I know it wasn’t a coincidence!  And I know with all my heart that God was trying to teach me to just trust Him.  One of these days I am gonna learn that lesson!

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