Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Do you like the word Perseverance?  No? Me neither! 

Perseverance is one of those words that make us cringe because of all the connotations it brings. Living in a society of instant fixes and instant results, perseverance is slowly getting squeezed out of our character. In the world where nothing is made to last, we are asked nothing more than to give something a go and if it doesn't work or you don't like it you are free to move on. It almost seems like there is no place for perseverance or that perseverance is somehow becoming redundant; or is it? 

In James 1:2 we are asked to consider it pure joy when going through trials and temptations because it is through the testing of our faith that develops perseverance (NIV) - which is also translated “patience” (NKJV).  Another word that makes me cringe! Verse four in the NIV is, “Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

Perseverance is not just a good idea, but also a Biblical principle. As Christians we have a responsibility to ensure that perseverance does not disappear from the men and women of today or the children of tomorrow. We have a responsibility to ensure that perseverance does not succumb to its redundant fate. As James points out, perseverance must finish its work. This is not an optional extra! James offers us no other option if we are to become mature and complete. Once the excitement of a new project has worn off, what drives us to finish it? When the honeymoon is over and you have each gained a few extra kilos and a large mortgage, what keeps our marriages together? James calls us as Christians to finish what we start; he calls us to good old-fashioned stick-ability. What James highlights is that if perseverance does not finish the work, then what does? More and more as people abandon perseverance the work is not being finished. Deadlines are not being met, marriages are not lasting, renovations aren't being completed, and scrapbooks remain unfinished. But what is perseverance? What is this essential trait that spurs us onto maturity and completeness? 

Well, if perseverance were a woman, she would be the one sitting in the corner of the office. Easy to miss at first, there is nothing to draw attention to her except the contentment on her face as she goes about her work. She is not loud or flashy but if you ask her boss, she is spoken of highly. Words such as dependable, reliable is what she is noted for. Her boss points out the asset she is to the company because she will always get the job done, and on time.

Perseverance is a loving wife who, thirty years into the marriage, is still looking for ways to be a blessing to her husband and show him that he is loved. She has stood firm and guarded her marriage. She has settled disagreements quickly so that they have had no time to fester and take root. Perseverance does life with her husband day by day, investing into their relationship.

Perseverance is a mother who lovingly walks the journey with her children. She endlessly encourages them in their pursuits and is there with compassion and support when they encounter disappointment. She can't recall how many times she has heard her son play that piece of music on the piano. She can't count the number of times she has driven her daughter to ballet or soccer and cheered from the sidelines; however, perseverance will tell you that she will continue to support, encourage and teach her children for the rest of her life.

Perseverance is also the astute businesswoman; she has taken some big risks and had a couple of losses. Perseverance however cannot be held down for long. With each loss she assesses her learning, picks up and starts again. She is not afraid of hard work and she remains determined to see her dreams come true.

Perseverance is an athlete. She trains hard and is consistent. Whether rain, hail or shine, you will find her running the oval or training in the gym. There may be a day when she falls and there is no chance that she can win now (even with all her preparation), her perseverance is resolute, and she will complete the race she started.

Perseverance is you and I each time we choose to rise above our circumstances and finish what we start. When we feel unappreciated or just plain worn out, we keep going because we understand that perseverance must finish its work. As Christian women, let us be determined and resolute; let our lives reflect perseverance so that we can become mature, complete and lacking nothing. It’s not easy, but we know Someone that will give us what we need to get it done. We can’t, but He can!

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